At Timber Windows Essex, ensuring customer satisfaction is our utmost priority.

We achieve this by offering high-quality products that are built to exceptional standards. Our dedicated team also ensures that installations are carried out with the utmost precision and expertise.

Our commitment to delivering excellence in both our products and services sets us apart and ensures that our customers' needs are always met.

Deposit & Warranty Protection

We are an Assure-certified installer, enabling us to certify that your installation complies with current building regulations without needing a separate assessment from building control.

We also offer full deposit and warranty protection with every order.

Timber Assured is a unique 50% deposit Indemnity and insurance-backed guarantee scheme administered by The Independent Warranty Association (IWA).

The TimberAssured Deposit Indemnity Scheme is unique in the window industry as it is the only scheme offering insurance cover for a 50% deposit on contracts. It provides end-users with complete peace of mind.

Order Process

  • Upon receipt of your enquiry, one of our estimators and designers will contact you to discuss your requirements to provide a quotation.

  • We invite you to visit one of our showrooms to view the products and options available to finalise your quote.

  • Upon receiving your order, we will complete a detailed survey to ascertain the manufacturing sizes and details.

  • We then send the final specifications of your order for approval. We then begin manufacturing and provide a provisional installation date.

  • 2-3 weeks before installation, we will confirm the work's commencement date.

  • Our experienced installers will carry out your installation.

  • Post-installation, you will receive documents from Assure acknowledging your installation, and we will provide a complete maintenance guide and our warranty.


  • 30 Years Against Fungal and Insect Decay

  • 12 Years on Paint / 6 Years on Stain

  • 10 Years on Glass

  • 10 Years on Hardware

  • 10 Years on Workmanship (Installation)

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